Claims, Quests & Desires. Around the Table of Queer and Feminist Curating
Round-Table & Think Lab with Inputs, Discussions, Dialogues and Poster Production
organised by alpha nova & galerie futura
Denise Palmieri (performance artist and Board Member VBKÖ), Thomas Trabitsch (interdisciplinary artist and part of the initiative Queer Museum Vienna), Katharina Koch & Sylvia Sadzinski (Artistic Directors alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin) and guests.
Claims, Quests & Desires is a series of events organised by the feminist Berlin art space alpha nova & galerie futura in the form of a round table and think lab dedicated to various questions relating to feminist perspectives on the present and the future, developing strategies for feminist knowledge building and practices and forging alliances together with invited guests and other participants.
For this edition of Claims, Quests & Desires in Vienna, we would like to focus on curatorial practices and the production of feminist art spaces, exhibitions and working methods. Questions that concern us include: What do we mean by an intersectional (queer) feminist practice of curating? What issues, questions and problems arise in this regard? What political need for action do we see and define? To what extent can we speak of a we? What can solidary, inclusive structures and practices in the art field look like, be created and implemented? What alliances and coalitions are necessary for this? How do we work together?