exhibition, events series

Open Call

Deadline: 31.1.2020



CALL FOR fem-SPATIAL POSITIONS: “A Feminist Perspective for Berlin Today! What Could a Non-Sexist City Look Like?*”

A cartographic installation and exhibition as part of the series
“Feministische Wohngeschichte(n) für die Zukunft. BERLIN, BAUHAUS und DARÜBER HINAUS”
March 20th – April 25th 2020
Deadline: January 31st 2020

We invite all interested artists, designers, scientists, activists, practitioners, students and self-taught indivisuals to present their existing works or ideas, concepts, designs, plans, utopias, documentations, model projects and urban analyzes of today’s (or tomorrow’s) feminist Berlin.

The selected POSITIONS will be part of a site-specific space-covering Berlin-fem-MAP and will represent a critical mapping of Berlin’s feminist space (re) production today. For this, in the week from March 14th until March 19, 2020, a cartographic installation will be created together with students from the TU Berlin.
From March 20th until April 25th, the positions will be shown in the gallery space as part of the room installation.
The selected positions receive 150 euros for production costs and 250 euros as an artist fee.

We kindly ask you to submit the following material:
– short project description; including required materials / technical equipment (no more than 1 page)
– statement on a feminist perspective for Berlin today: Which question interests you and how does this relate to your own work? (no more than ½ page)
– visual material: sketches, photos, pictures, drafts, models, collages and links to an existing project or a position to be created for the exhibition
– short biography / CV

Please send your material as a pdf (max. 5 MB) by January 31st, 2020 to:
You can also contact us via this address if you have any questions.

About the series

The series “Feministische Wohngeschichte(n) für die Zukunft. BERLIN, BAUHAUS und DARÜBER HINAUS” (Feminist Housing History(s) for the Future. BERLIN, BAUHAUS and BEYOND) deals with feminist approaches, discussions and practices in architecture, as well as spatial and urban planning, in which gender relations become visible as diverse asymmetrical ideas of living, relationships and professional life. Starting from the pioneers of architecture in the 1920s (focus of the first part in autumn 2019), the second part will discuss the impacts of the second women’s movement on architecture, living, housing and activism to the present in a contradictory globalized economy, presenting feminist and inclusive alternatives for the future. In addition to the exhibition, an event program with a symposium, film screenings, talks and city tours will take place.

“Feministische Wohngeschichte(n) für die Zukunft. BERLIN, BAUHAUS und DARÜBER HINAUS” (Feminist Housing History(s) for the Future. BERLIN, BAUHAUS and BEYOND) was initiated and developed by Felicita Reuschling and is now conceptulized collaboratively by Katharina Koch and Sylvia Sadzinski (alpha nova & galerie futura). It will be continued in spring 2020 in cooperation with Anna Heilgemeir, Dagmar Pelger and Martha Wegewitz (Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization CUD at the Institute for Architecture at the Technical University of Berlin).
Felicita Reuschling passed away in June 2019. The series, of which she was the main initiator of ideas and themes, is to be realized and continued in her spirit and in memory of her as a friend, colleague and astute feminist thinker and practitioner.

*Felicita Reuschling in suburban, Bd.5 Nr.3 (2017).

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