Workshop & Performance
LaptopsRus in collaboration with presents the 4th edition of CrisisRus with workshops and performance.
Teaming up with Berlin-based free art radio,, crisisRus holds workshops on making DIY electronics and miniFM transmitters. Bring your defunct pots and pans, your soldering irons, your boomboxes, we provide parts and wires for electronic modification. Through mutual learning and teaching, we turn pots and pans into electro-noisemaking apparatus. The miniFM radio workshop demonstrates the possibilities of signaling crisis by short-range radio transmission. These workshops are free of charge. You get to take home your own DIY/DIWO devices.
OPEN CALL for Berlin-based electroDIY, femmeWIZ, homeMAKERS, mommieDEAREST, transSISTERS, diehardACTIVISTS, closetHACKERS, radioBOOMERS, sonicNOISERS to join CrisisRus‘ workshops – modifing pots&pans for electro-Cacerolazo noisemaking and wiring up miniFM transmitters for short range radio broadcast.
OPEN CALL for participants to join informal round table strategy discussion on crises faced by the women living in Berlin in everyday life. Our topics include the precariousness of living and working spaces threatened by rising rents and displacement; the restrictive laws that limit and nullify the living space and movement for refugees and asylum seekers. Bring your crisis, your needs and interests, together we hope to address the possible strategies and practices in coping with crises.
A noisy performance night on “The Crisis”, interpreted from personal, economical, and political perspectives. In the spirit of the protest form of CACEROLAZO, the performers will stir and stew the crisis pot, together with the audience.
We bring together sonic amplification, video documents and a recorded conversation on crises and strategies for a grand electro Cacerolazo.
We invite remote participation – to upload crisis banners and videos.
The audience members are invited to voice their own views with pots, pans and via megaphones. The live performance will be streamed live on .
LaptopsRus is a self-organized open-participatory platform engaged in networking woman live performers. Prompted by the prolonging economic crisis as manifested in global Cacerolazo (dubbed global noise) where protesters bang on pots and pans while marching, we launched CrisisRus NETWORK | RE:WORK bringing together woman performers, homemakers, nomads, artists, activists to manifest woman work force and resilient capacity in these time of personal, political and economical crisis.
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