Marie Kochsiek: Who cares? – Technologies for Menstruation

Marie Kochsiek

reading/lecture, events series

Vortrag und Diskussion

17.12.2019 // 19:00

[Digital] Present Feminist Futures

Marie Kochsiek
Who cares? – Technologies for Menstruation

How is menstruation translated into program code and what do cycle apps do with data of periods, sex and moods?
Self-tracking contains the potential of emancipatory self-awareness through the storage and visualization of health and body function measurements. Especially due to the taboos regarding menstruation and sexual health, many people feel an enormous need for more education and better health care – especially those affected by diseases endometriosis.
The “one-size-fits-all” approach of many apps, when it comes to body norms, age, but also cultural and legal conditions, hardly do justice to all different subject conditions. In addition, highly sensitive and private information generate questions about data security and privacy.
At the beginning Marie Kochsiek gives an input to common cycle apps and presents her research and practical work on the subject. Afterwards, we put ourselves in the shape of constructive individuals and discuss needs and expectations about cycle and sexual self-observation technologies.
Target audience for the session are those interested in as well as (ex-)users of cycle apps.

Marie Kochsiek is a research fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute, co-founder of the feminist hackspace Heart of Code and the software collective Bloody Health.

Facebook Event

Further events as part of the series [Digital] Feminist Present Futures


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