Anja Zimmermann, Valeria Schulte-Fischedick: 1968ff – Art, Feminism, Politics

PD Dr. Anja Zimmermann // Valeria Schulte-Fischedick

archive, reading/lecture, presentation, events series

Cover der aktuellen Ausgabe von FKW//Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur (hg.v. Anja Zimmermann), Dezember 2018.

Presentation & Lecture

6.12.2018, 19:00


Images event


Photos: Kim Bode

Presentation of the latest issue of FKW – the magazine for gender research and visual culture by PD Dr. Anja Zimmermann (ed. FKW, academic author, ZFG Oldenburg). It addresses the history of the publication as a feminist revision and connection to 1968, as well as a concrete example: queer-feminist art criticism before, during, and after 1968, which makes it possible to see that 1968 is not so 68 and post-minimalism is not so post as it initially seems; lecture by Valeria Schulte-Fischedick (Art Historian, International Studio Program, Künstlerhaus Bethanien).

The event is part of the series Revolt She Said – decolonial and feminists perspectives on 68, curated by Andrea Caroline Keppler (District Berlin), Dr. Katharina Koch and Dorothea Nold (alpha nova & galerie futura) in conversation with Karina Griffith (District Atelierstipendiatin 2018 und Recherchestipendiatin Decolonizing 68) and Sharon Adler, Prof. Liz Bachhuber, Madeleine Bernstorff, Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro, Dr. Lisa Glauer, Dr. Natasha A. Kelly, Prof. Azade Köker, Martina Kofer, Dr. Corina S. Kwami, Pınar Öğrenci, Dr. Peggy Piesche, Elianna Renner, Robert Schmidt-Matt, Dr. Gabriele Schor, Valeria Schulte-Fischedick, Kelvin Sholar, Elżbieta Sternlicht, Merle Stöver und PD Dr. Anja Zimmermann.
Revolt She Said is a cooperation between alpha nova & galerie futura and District Berlin. Kindly supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.
Media partner: AVIVA-Berlin

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